Its okay to be terrible

The simple truth is: when you start something new, you aren’t going to be great at it. Being terrible at something at first is part of the success. It is the reason you should take pride in what you have completed. Because you went through it. You chose to get uncomfortable, vulnerable, and do the work. At the beginning being terrible at something is the work.  You only need to do the work; you’ll get less and less terrible. The great news is you are doing it!

So, the challenge to you is to change your mindset, embrace that you are terrible at something and that it is the beginning and that is awesome! In the military when we knew you were in for something not-so-awesome, a common thing to say to each other was “embrace the suck.”

Starting a new workout, nutrition plan, or routine is hard. Embrace it. Embrace that pain and welcome the challenge! You are building yourself into the person you want to become. You are doing the work that it takes to get to the goals you have set out for yourself. Every day you do the work, you are building your ability. And the next time you will be just a little less terrible at it. If you improve just 1% every day, you will have improved 365% in a year.

What do you want to be 365% better at by this time next year?

Megan Johnson is an integrative life coach that works with #TeamTrivda on balance and wellness. More from her here.

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