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In Case of Emergency: Building a real life Emergency Kit. | Trivida Functional Medicine

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In Case of Emergency: Building a real life Emergency Kit.

Just like responding to a traditional emergency, having the right Emergency Kit for Food, or Emotional Support can help. We all have days that are aren’t completely on top of our game. We aren’t prepared for the way the day turned out and it has taken us by surprise. All of a sudden, we are in a moment where we really need some support, relief, or escape…

You made your lunch. You’re actually looking forward to eating it! It is nutritious, delicious, and exactly what you should be feeding your body. Only one problem, it is sitting in your fridge at home. On top of that…the budget meeting has gone over by an hour and a half, look at the clock 1:30, you won’t have time to go home and get your lunch, or go out for another healthy option. You’re starving, grouchy, and fading fast… there are doughnuts on the table.

You’re doing all the right things, you are trying to get enough sleep, meditating, checking in with yourself and working on processing things in a healthy way. Then, someone is a complete jerk to you, as unexpectedly as their actions were, your feeling in response are starting to feel overwhelming and you are losing control. You want to yell, and cry…

Making sure you have some (or all) of these things will only increase your ability to move through and bounce back from an emotional event.

Emotional Emergency Kit

  • Your Journal. Express the feelings, document the situation it will help you process the situation as well as give you to opportunity to learn from the event later.
  • Photographs – Your family, The doggo, Your favorite place. Things that you have good memories and positive feelings about.
  • Inspirational, or meaningful quotes or books.
  • Things that make you laugh – Bookmark videos or lists on the web that always give you a giggle
  • Music – Uplifting and happy music, give yourself a few min until you get that toe tapping.
  • Affirmations – Find a set of positive affirmations and you can get to either via audio or write them down that you can say to yourself while you take a few min to center.
  • A grounding object that can fit into your pocket. – Using this to focus your attention can help with feelings like anxiety or stress.
  • A list of people you can call when you need support.

If we had some healthy options to always keep near in case of a “emergency,” the likely hood of us choosing a healthy option increases!

Here are some non-perishable items to always keep close, whether it’s in your office, your car, or anywhere you can quickly grab one when you’re hungry.

Food Emergency Kit

  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, etc.)
  • All Natural Turkey Jerky
  • Brown Rice Cake with an All Natural low sugar Nut Butter
  • Trader Joe’s Broccoli Florets chips (great protein and fiber)
  • Kale Chips
  • Rx Bar – You can pick them up at Trivida
  • Tuna Pouch (in water)
  • Roasted Chick-peas
  • Dark Chocolate ( 70% of cocoa and up)
  • Harvest Snaps Lentil Bean

* We hope this is useful, but it is not a substitute for professional assistance. Please seek professional help immediately if you have thoughts of harming yourself or others; or if you or someone else is in any danger of harm. *

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