Natural Solutions for Digestive Disorders | Trivida Functional Medicine

Natural Solutions for Digestive Disorders

Better digestion requires better solutions for your health–learn more.

Our bodies are all different, and sometimes, bodies behave in ways we may not expect. Digestive disorders are one common group of physical disorders that certainly meet this description.

In this article, we will explore natural solutions for digestive disorders and how they can benefit you.

Exploring Natural Solutions for Digestive Disorders

Digestive disorders impact people all around the world every day and in all kinds of ways. These disorders can vary widely, and the treatment options available are known to be just as diverse. While many people believe you can only treat digestive disorders with medication, that isn’t always true. Natural solutions are a great option for people, and they can help with ongoing management.

Long before we had commercial medicine, we relied on plants for their medicinal benefits. The truth is that many of today’s medicine options on the market are actually designed to help us based on the benefits that natural alternatives can bring.

You should always work together with your doctor to determine if natural solutions are a good option for you, or if they may fit alongside another treatment plan. 

Common Digestive Disorders to Know

People all around the globe currently deal with digestive disorders. At this point, several digestive disorders have been discovered and studied. In fact, quite a few of them are fairly common, impacting a surprising number of people. 

Different digestive disorders can have a wide variety of symptoms, and they can also respond to different treatments in unique ways. 

The most common disorders include:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Celiac’s disease
  • Crohn’s disease

The more you understand about your digestive disorders, the more likely you will be to successfully treat them. A visit to the doctor’s office can help you to receive a diagnosis and the additional information you need.

Recognizing Early Signs of Flare-Ups

To successfully treat a digestive disorder, you will want to respond to the condition as quickly as possible. Depending on the severity, you may not be too pressed to take quick action, but the more care you take to prevent and manage flare-ups, the better. 

A great way to improve your response to flare-ups is to look for the signs. Early-onset signs can vary quite a bit from one digestive disorder to the next. However, some symptoms are shared and can be a good indication that your system needs additional support.

Common Signs Include:

  • Physical pain or discomfort
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting or excessive gagging
  • Constipation

Solution #1 Consistent and Reliable Hydration

Water is the single most important thing that we consume in a day, and it can play a surprisingly significant role in our digestive system. This hydrating solution keeps things moving and supports all of your key systems. 

Drinking more water in a day can do a lot for your digestive system, especially if you are consistent about it. The more you maintain good hydration habits, the more likely you are to receive the benefits of water. This simple solution can really have a high impact over time.

Solution #2 Regular Movement and Exercise

Movement and digestion actually go hand-in-hand, and a little movement can really go a long way. Making sure that you are taking time each day to move your body, stand, and walk can really help keep everything in order in your body. 

Like water, this is a solution that keeps on giving the more you do it. Regular exercise supports every function in your body, not just those related to your stomach.

Solution #3 A Balanced Diet

Some digestive disorders can be caused or exacerbated by what you eat. A little course correction when it comes to daily eating can also go a long way. 

Taking time to focus on eating a balanced diet that includes a good spread of nutrients and key features may be just the option you need. Simply changing your diet to a more balanced version can help you to do a full-body reset with lasting positive impacts. 

Remember, a balanced diet doesn’t mean you can’t have some of the other foods you love. It just means you’re prioritizing balance in all things–including foods you enjoy.

Solution #4 A Limited Diet

Having a diet that is out of balance may not be the cause of your digestive disorder. Sometimes, there is a specific dietary culprit to blame. This may mean that there is something in your diet–likely unidentified–that is causing your digestive concerns. 

Identifying the cause is something you will likely want a doctor to help with. However, temporarily limiting your diet and avoiding things that cause symptoms can be a good immediate start in the meantime. 

Many people find that a more bland or limited diet can help with symptoms in general when used for short spans of time too!

Solution #5 Avoiding Sensitivities or Allergens

If you have identified a specific sensitivity or allergen, it is always best to confirm it through testing. However, there is no denying that sometimes the symptoms are very obvious and make it clear. When you have a known trigger for your digestive disorder, the answer is often in your hands–avoiding it altogether.

Food sensitivities and allergens are a common cause of digestive problems, and they impact all kinds of people. Sometimes, there are simply foods or types of foods that our bodies do not mix with, like dairy or wheat. 

If this is the case, it is generally best to avoid them as much as possible.

Solution #6 Embracing Prebiotics and Probiotics

The stomach is not simply a pool of acid–it is a delicate ecosystem. One of the best things you can do for your stomach’s ecosystem is to care for it and help it thrive. This is where prebiotics and probiotics come in.

Prebiotics come from plants, and they are food for your gut’s natural bacteria. When your body has the right bacteria and they are fed the right things, they create a better and more balanced system. This directly correlates to your digestive health.

Probiotics are common in consumable forms, and they include live microorganisms. This allows you to  bring more good microorganisms into your system to support your body and help your internal ecosystem thrive.

The two most popular options are yogurt and kombucha.

Solution #7 Prioritizing Fiber Consumption

Everyone knows what it feels like when things don’t move correctly through the digestive system, whether things move too quickly or not quickly enough. Fiber is an essential nutrient that can help everything to move along correctly.

Fiber works by keeping stool in the right form. It can soften it if it is too hard to pass, or it can make it more solid if you are struggling with diarrhea. Its versatility is part of its charm!

Solution #8 Eating More Healthy Fats

There are healthy fats that we consume that can help several systems in the body, the digestive system included. Eating healthy fats is esssential to support the lining in place in your gut. It is this lining that impacts several processes and operations in this area, including your metabolism and how it absorbs nutrients. 

Keeping a steady balance of healthy fats in your system is critical to general body operations!

Common Options Include:

  • Fruit
  • Avocados
  • Olive Oil
  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Cheese
  • Eggs

Solution #9 Minimizing and Managing Stress

For much of modern history, people have developed the belief that stress is all in the mind. These days, the evidence is overwhelmingly in support of the fact that this is not true. In reality, stress greatly impacts our minds and our bodies–including the digestive system.

Stress can harm pretty much any system or process in your body. When we feel high levels of stress, it impacts us physically, and many people experience stomach problems as a result of this. Lowering stress levels can help to reduce symptoms and may stop digestive disorders altogether.

Solution #10 Consuming More Ginger

When most people consume or drink something with ginger in it, the response is fairly consistent–ginger is awakening and refreshing. Known for its vibrant taste and ability to really improve food and drinks, this root is also a common feature in medicine. 

Ginger has long since been used as a natural support system for digestive woes. This is because ginger has a direct physical impact on the digestive system. Just like it wakes you up when you drink it, it can wake your digestive tract up and keep things moving along. It also helps with pain, discomfort, and nausea.

Natural Solutions Can Have Medical-Grade Benefits for Your Digestive Disorder

Finding the right treatment for your body can take time, but it is always worth it. If you have a digestive disorder or suspect that you may have one, you will want to connect with a doctor to better understand what is causing it and how you can safely manage it at home.
To learn more about how you can treat digestive orders through natural interventions, you can meet with us to explore our Denver functional health solutions today!

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