Functional Doctor Denver Colorado | Trivida Functional Medicine


Hear what our clients are saying!

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Shannon G.

Getting my hormones fixed was life changing. I pride myself on being a tough person but I was really struggling mentally, emotionally and physically. I feel generally happy again! The second biggest win was getting my sleep back. Feeling rested and less erratic with my moods. It was worth every second of it.

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Mary W.

My biggest issues were sleep and hormones, and both have been addressed and improved. Several other issues were diagnosed and addressed, as well, and overall, I am feeling MUCH better! There is no better investment than your health and wellbeing.

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Latanya J.

My number 1 goal coming to Trivida was the chronic dizziness that was getting in the way of my life. I could not get relief or answers from my traditional medicine providers. Trivida helped me understand why the dizziness was happening and ultimately corrected the root of the issue. As a side effect of addressing

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Brandi R.

My gut issues (bloat, gas, frequent discomfort with many foods) were reduced substantially. My body compositions improved greatly over 5 months and ultimately lost 15 lbs, and gained good muscle mass. I would say that it is a very comprehensive program.

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Leslie H.

I initially was referred to Corey by my Chiropractor to take a look at my hormones and some health issues I was having. Corey and Trivida were the first providers I have ever had that truly took the time to talk to me, educate me and help me get better. I have gained so much

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Amy H.

When I came in I was barely functioning and really struggling to be the mother I wanted to be. I quickly saw changes in the way I was feeling and actually felt functional for the first time in a long time. I had less brain fog, far fewer headaches and migraines, my gut health was

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Susan V.

Trivida gave me the tools to have a healthy lifestyle that is best for my body and they really helped my mindset too. Because my body is so well balanced now, compared to before, I no longer have food cravings that were just “energy bandaids”. My hormones and my energy levels are so much better

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Rick H.

At the end of my program my gut health is 1000% better, it feels the best it has since I was in my 20’s. My baseline level energy has improved, and I have way fewer bad days. I am feeling more muscular, less sore and run down after workouts and I have less chronic pain.

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Suzie Z.

Getting my thyroid health condition under control has helped my neck pain so much that my physical therapist even noticed. If you do not feel good, I highly recommend Trivida, it is worth it!

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Cheryn A.

Before coming to Trivida, I was seeking a more holistic, functional medicine approach to my health. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid condition called Hashimotos and didn’t know where to begin. Corey took the time to listen to my perspectives and work with the information I provided. I felt my concerns were taken seriously

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Kelly W.

The ability to test & balance my hormones & body systems while detoxing was invaluable. My fatigue has significantly lessened, brain fog has improved, no more terrible headaches and my hair loss has stopped! I am excited to have the tools and maintenance support from Trivida to continue this journey to complete healing!

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Luke C.

Things I was able to accomplish while at Trivida: weight loss, increase in muscle mass, increase in energy, and I now feel lighter, healthier, and more robust all around. I no longer have to think about my gut flaring up whereas it used to always be in my mind anytime I ate anything. Trivida changed

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Sara B.

I came to Trivida to improve my gut health and stop my lingering post-covid symptoms. I did that! Plus I gained a whole lot of knowledge about my health and health in general. As someone without a thyroid I learned how to optimize my medications and lifestyle. I understand which foods work for me and

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Jeff B.

I moved forward on my way to eliminating mold and other toxins from my body and became much more educated on how to proceed going forward. Also, uncovered other health areas which were pertinent to my overall well-being and learned how one particular issue could set off and affect other parts of the body. I

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I easily feel 15 years younger than I did before starting to work with them. Corey changed my life. He ran a number of tests to understand what was going on inside my body.

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Bethany C.

Since starting the program, my motivation, depression, brain fog, and energy have all improved. I actually have the energy to enjoy and play with my kids now. I have the tools to take care of myself and use them during hard times.

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Beth B.

Corey and his team have done so much to help my body heal from major gut issues, hormone imbalance, weakness, toxic overload and high amounts of mold in my system. They continue to put so much consistent effort into my healing. Each time they uncover a health concern, they have a game plan to fix

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Katie B.

Because of this program and the extremely knowledgeable staff, I now have answers to questions that have never been addressed properly for me by regular doctors.

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Laura R.

My experience with Trivida was truly eye-opening. I spent years navigating the healthcare system only to be met with resistance. I knew I had been feeling badly for a long time, but I didn’t realize just how bad I was feeling until I started feeling better. Trivida explored every avenue possible to help me feel

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Tracy F.

My whole body was inflamed and bogged down with vertigo migraines and other inflammatory responses that really impacted my vitality and life. The program can be hard and challenging, but completely worth it to have my life back, and I felt supported the entire way.

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Rich and Suzie G.

Trivida has been life-changing. Thanks to Corey, Andy, Megan, Meghann and Molly, Suzie (aka. Suize) has been panic-attack free and we both have seen an increase in energy and stamina. Most importantly, we are healthier than we have been in years. Who ever thought getting up at 5:00 am to workout, and eating healthy would

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Bill H.

Since joining Trivida, Bill has made some gradual but powerful changes that added up over time and he is feeling better as a result. Initially, he struggled with back pain that limited him from doing the activities he loves like golf and tennis. Making dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce inflammation are a huge part

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Nicole J.

I have been fighting thyroid issues since middle school and I was always exhausted and in need of a nap. I just thought I was tired from working nights for 10 years and having to children but then I realized it was something else. We found the underlying cause on the blood work that I

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Karyn S.

I came to Trivida when I realized that the way I was feeling wasn’t normal. I needed a team of support and that is what they provided. Everyone at Trivida is welcoming, they are on your side, it feels like a family, and they actually care about you. The support I got was all positive, no

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Jerry B.

My experience at Trivida was extremely positive and very educational. Corey, Andy, and the rest of the staff took the time to answer all of my questions and helped me to feel like myself. I’ve accomplished so much during my time here; my hormones are more balanced, my diet is healthier, I’ve stopped my bad

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Lisa J.

I was referred to Trivida by a dear friend. My family and I have been on a health journey for some time. However, I realized that in putting forth the effort to assuring the health of my family, I was neglecting some needs of my own. I had heard of functional medicine often over the

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Nicole S.

I turned to Trivida after years of growing digestive issues that had limited my diet for years and was experiencing expanding exhaustion issues. I had worked with specialists and each had helped in their own way, but I kept hearing my “normal” blood values showed I was fine. But, “fine” couldn’t mean I needed more

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Brenna M.

I first went to see Corey at Trivida because I felt generally out of whack, lacking in energy, and not sleeping well. Over the past 3 years with Corey’s help, I am feeling more like myself, I have energy, feel good physically, and finally starting to sleep better. My goal was to feel like myself

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Christine I.

My experience at Trivida has been a learning experience and tremendously beneficial. It has been amazing that Trivida has pulled me out of a bad time for my health. Trivida works from the bottom up and does everything they can to help people get better. The team comes at things from all angles and they

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Josh L.

Corey and the team at Trivida run a smooth operation. All of the staff are personable, knowledgeable, and make you feel taken care of. I came to fix my energy, my gut issues, I gained muscle, learned better ways to manage my internal health, and have found a great health resource for my clients as

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April M.

The staff at Trivida are great! They gave me a very personalized experience, were always flexible in scheduling, and there are so many ways to communicate with the team. I’ve lost weight, less migraines, and I have a routine now, all because I made the lifestyle changes I needed to make. I feel like I

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Chuck G.

All of the staff are very pleasant and easy to work with. They’ve made some good, recent additions to the staff! As far as my health goes, I like the whole-body approach. I have the tools that I need to know how my body and health are doing, not just guessing. With all of my

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Laurie S.

I love that Corey does his tests extensively. He knows how to proceed with diet and supplement recommendations for ACTUAL improvement. Testing based treatment, it’s awesome! The work is noticeable, palpable, and you get REAL health, energy, and digestion improvements. My outlook on life is way better, my energy is up, and my digestion has

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Nestor R.

I was a skeptic at first, but as Corey always says, “the blood doesn’t lie!”. I committed to the program and I have been so pleased with the results. I’ve lost 50 pounds and my cholesterol has improved drastically. You should give this place a try! If anything, you’ll find out which foods you should

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Jill G.

I liked the online seminar and first initial meeting with Corey. Everyone here at Trivida has been very friendly and welcoming. I’ve learned so much about my body and what is going on with my health. I’ve improved my blood work results, drastically cut sugar from my diet, and I’ve learned that dairy does not

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Lisa H.

I am down 11 pounds so far!! I have been weighing myself weekly for about a month, but I’m learning that it’s not all about weight. Even when I fall off the wagon, I have learned so much about nutrition and fitness that I can figure it out and get back on. I’ve also learned

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Donna A.

I know that coming to Trivida saved my life. The tests that Corey did revealed things that I’d never been made aware of before. I had a test done that showed that I was on my way to a heart attack! Trivida is not a “take this prescription then call me later” approach. They educated

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Lisa B.

My experience at Trivida was excellent. I was able to determine different ailments and work through correcting them. I’ve corrected ailments such as using a CPAP machine, increasing my B12, and figured out different food allergies. If you’re thinking about doing a health program, do it. If you do not feel good, there’s a reason.

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Janice R.

Trivida has put me on a health journey that has been life changing. I’ve learned different steps along the way that help me make better food decisions and how to manage stress. Corey is very knowledgeable, patient, and a great listener. I’ve lost weight and inches, but I’ve gained muscle. My mental health has improved

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Heidi T.

I am incredibly grateful to have found Trivida for my health journey! Every person there is friendly, no overwhelming medical jargon, and I truly feel like a partner in my own health and wellness. I came to them with active Grave’s/Hashimoto’s disease. I was miserable and definitely stressed about all of my underlying problems. I

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Jessie D.

My experience the whole Trivida team was wonderful. I appreciated the individualized care I got, and I always felt listened to and supported in whatever I needed. Corey and Nicole went above and beyond to help me find realistic and holistic solutions to the symptoms I was experiencing. I am no longer fatigued and am

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Erin P.

It all starts with Corey! The thoroughness of his interview to get down to the nitty gritty is amazing and he went over test results with me in terms that I could easily understand. Then there was my lovely coach, Nicole, who coached me through so much of this adventure. I have come so far

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Karyn R.

My experience with Trivida was great! I had been so discouraged for a year with my weight gain and how I was feeling overall. I was really struggling and felt terrible. My 2020 resolution was to focus on myself. Trivida was a one-stop shop and was just what I needed. They are a team that

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Amber P.

My experience at Trivida was very good. It was the first time in my life that I felt like a medical person was actually listening to me. I was able to bring up anything and everything and not have my concerns dismissed. The staff at Trivida made me feel welcomed and important! I identified the

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Jacob G.

I had a great experience! Great staff, Corey and Nicole are awesome to work with and are very knowledgeable. I worked hard to improve my overall health! I even found out some issues that I didn’t even realize I struggled with. You should try Trivida if you have tried other things that didn’t work. They

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Tamme C.

My experience at Trivida was amazing! Everyone listens and helps. They give great advice on diet and exercise. They’ve helped me overcome all of my hurdles. I’ve lost weight, my thyroid is under control, and I’m overall feeling so much better. If you’re thinking about starting a program with Trivida, do it! Invest in yourself!

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Dawn J.

Everyone at Trivida has been friendly and very supportive in my journey. Corey helped me figure out why my bones kept getting worse over time. 6 months after working with Corey and the Trivida team, my bones have improved significantly. If you are on the fence about joining Trivida’s health program, invest your time and

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Brionna N.

I am so grateful for Corey and his team. I’m on a path to health. Trivida came into my life at just the right time. I tried acupuncture, chiropractors, homeopathy, naturopathic, and holistic doctors. Corey is the only person to have answers for questions concerning health issues that I’ve had for nearly three years. If

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Al S.

Al is a man on a mission! He has lost 30 pounds and drastically improved the health markers on his blood work. He is feeling much better and has been empowered to make good lifestyle decisions because of the education he has received at Trivida. Al is a coaches dream, he takes action and holds

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Ken D.

When I found Trivida, I was coming off a stress induced crash from my last job and I needed help recovering. It turned out to be the right place at the right time to rebuild. My experience at Trivida was incredible. It is a very supportive environment that taught me how to take care of

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Ashley A.

I came to Trivida after years of working with doctors to resolve my health issues. I now have Trivida to thank for helping me get to the root of my health issues and finally see positive changes in my health again! I love the balanced approach Trivida takes in helping people with their health. I

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Robyn T.

I’ve been seeing Corey for about 1.5 years now and it has been a great experience. I’ve found root causes to my symptoms. The staff are always listening and adjusting my plans according to my current state of health. I’ve become my old self again! Reviewing my blood work helped me feel overall better, mentally

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Gina D.

I came in with debilitating fatigue. I couldn’t exercise, couldn’t keep up with my housework or kids, I slept all the time, but sleeping never helped. I went to other providers, but they couldn’t help me. My first ray of hope came down when I met Corey and he really listened to me. He didn’t

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Toni H.

I wanted to KNOW exactly what was going on in my body. With Corey and his team, I was able to put into play a new plan that included nutrition, supplements, and movement that are a perfect fit for my body. I also learned the importance of proper testing! Corey discovered issues with my thyroid

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Rick D.

My experience with Trivida has been terrific. The testing was so helpful and really gave me answers in the areas of my health that I had been struggling with. Because of Trivida, I can work all day with no energy crashes, my anxiety has lessened, my gut health has improved, and most importantly…I have the

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Karen C.

Trivida is a game changer!! I have never been able to connect all the dots with my health until I found Trivida. There has always been a genuine concern about my total wellness that regular physicians weren’t able to provide. Because of Trivida, I feel truly cared for. I consider myself fit now! I started

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Erica R.

My experience at Trivida was positive one. The most helpful part for me has been Corey’s time and insight. The rest of the Trivida staff has been great as well! After visiting several other doctors, Trivida finally gave me answers and a PLAN. The major symptoms that I had when I arrived here have mostly

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Ann F.

Trivida staff are always very pleasant, positive, and helpful people! Corey is VERY knowledgeable and caring. He has helped me with my stomach issues and overall anxiety. When my brother passed, they were all very compassionate and willing to help us deal with all the added stress. Andy’s classes were extremely beneficial for me. He

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Cynthia M.

Overall, this has been a positive experience for me! I me most of my goals and I’m feeling much more energized and have finally gotten answers. This program was definitely worth it. If you feel like your body is “off”, Trivida can help solve the mystery.

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Misty T.

Trivida has been such a caring place! They are extremely compassionate, and they know how to listen to you. We found out-of-the-box solutions for my problems and they evolve with you during the program. The people are non-judgmental and give great referrals. I now have less pain, better balance, and increased strength. I have learned

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Marion S.

I feel so much Better! I’m sleeping now which gives me more energy and makes me more productive. I’m now taking better care of myself, investing in myself, and making myself a priority. I am very pleased with everything. Corey is amazing! Your health is everything! Work hard so that you are healthy enough to

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Trude B.

My experience at Trivida has been great! Since I began 4 years ago, my rash has been cured and I feel more like a 40-year old instead of an about to be 80- year old. I have a new understanding of what keeps my body, mood, and energy at its most efficient. Meet with Corey

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Beverly C.

My experience with Trivida has been amazing! When I sat down and talked with Corey, he told me that he could get me to my goal in one year. I was skeptical because I had been working on my goal of weight loss and general health for over 10 years and had not achieved my

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Elizabeth D

First of all, my cycle has become much more regular and my PMS symptoms are at least a third of what they normally are, which is fantastic. Second, we made some HUGE improvements with my gut health. I have significantly less stomach pain and I tolerate foods much better. My regularity and overall quality has

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Anna P.

Last year my mom was diagnosed with eosinophil esophagitis, which is basically a ton of allergies that causes inflammation in her throat, making it difficult to swallow. She had been to a doctor, but they did not give her many options besides medications. She was very leery of starting new medications because she didn’t respond

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Caryn and Michelle S.

We just had our second visit with Corey, and Michelle is so much healthier and happier since we have been going to Trivida. This man is a God send. Corey has found things going on in Michelle’s labs and metabolism that our family doctor, neuro, and other specialists could not find with regular labs, didn’t

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Lisa M.

I was having some problems with hormones and some digestive issues, I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on. I initially thought that the hormones were the biggest part of it but, I came to find out that there was a lot more going on with my digestion that needed to be addressed. On the

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Chaz L.

I came to Trivida after 10 years of having horrible health problems and I was out of answers. I wanted to be healthy. I had been living in discomfort for a very long time, having stomach problems, sleep issues, high cholesterol, and emotional instability. I didn’t want to live like that anymore. When I met

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Aaron R.

It’s been helpful getting back to a healthy lifestyle. The change is specific to me. I enjoyed having the blood work done, being able to know why you’re taking a supplement, and all of the science behind it. I have not found anywhere else where there is a mix between workout and medical. If I

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Rob C.

The biggest improvement in my health has been recognizing that I had sleep apnea and how that problem was leading to a lot of other health issues as far as fatigue. They were able to diagnose me and correct the problem with a physical device to help me sleep through the night. This autocorrected a

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Eric S.

Life before Trivida was not knowing why I had so much pain in my back and why I did not have as much energy as I once did. At Trivida, it’s nice to know that people are giving a helping hand in your own personal healthcare. The main goal has been to sleep and alleviating

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Amy J.

For 4 years, I have had pretty significant knee pain. I have seen many doctors and had many cortisone shots. It really limited my exercise and mobility from the pain. Now that I have had my fourth shot of PRP, I ran for the first time in years. I have had so much more freedom

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Shaun C.

When I came here, I had just turned 47. I had low energy and I didn’t want to workout, which was unusual because I have been an athlete my whole life. I was seeing three different specialists with three different issues. After working with Corey for about a month or two, he was able to

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Kathleen P.

I could hardly walk when I walked into Trivida last December. Corey and his amazing staff have turned my life around and continue to help my husband and I take hold of our health. We are stronger, healthier, and happier. The staff at Trivida truly care! Love you guys!!

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Dafne T.

I can not recommend Trivida enough!! They helped me get to the root cause of my symptoms with advanced testing that no other health care professional would have ever thought of or done. They educated me on how to get my health back and have completely transformed my life. I owe them everything for helping

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Micki R.

After using the Neubie machine, I’m super stoked about where I am at this point in time and how I’ve been able to increase my physical activity so much over the last couple months. I’m also doing a lot of things that, for a long time, I wasn’t sure I would be able to do

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Wendy S.

During my time with Trivida, I have made a lot of big changes with my health. First, I feel like I finetuned my body back to how I felt when I was pre-menopause. We accomplished this by balancing my hormones and nutrient levels, identifying nutritional sensitivities, and getting my weight/body composition back to a healthier

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Eric H.

I found Corey at a very difficult time in my life. I was dealing with the loss of my brother and was also dealing with depressive issues. Corey took a blood test and found I had low testosterone. The care I received after that, was essential to my success. Without Corey, I could have never

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Leslie H.

Leslie has been part of Team Trivida since November of 2015. She initially came to see us for some medical support. She took a chance and joined our first round of fitness classes. She loved it so much, she has been going into 2020! She knew she couldn’t find a place that would integrate quite

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Julie B.

I am not the strongest nor most disciplined team member. I haven’t lost the most weight or gained the most muscle mass. But what I have gained is confidence and the strength to stand proud of my biggest accomplishment over the past 12 months. I will have been 1 year sober on June 8th. Trivida

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Shannon S.

I initially started looking into programs because even though I thought I was eating fairly healthy, I was still gaining weight. Trivida’s program stuck out from all the others because it not only covered working out, but also focused on nutrition and whole body health. Since starting at Trivida, my stomach issues have gone away

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Ray C.

When I started with Trivida, I was desperate, but was quickly moving towards hopelessness and apathy. I was already losing with my health. The doctor’s answers didn’t make sense. I needed something different! I became a Trivida client and I put their recommendations for diet, exercise, and medication changes into practice. It’s been more than

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Amanda E.

I had a wonderful experience at Trivida. Corey, Andy, and everyone else I interacted with at Trivida were great. It was so nice to be in communication with them on a regular basis. The questions I had were addressed right away and felt like I was well supported from beginning to end. The 5-pillar approach

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Danielle P.

After back surgery, I was scared to do any kind of workout. Afraid I would hurt myself again because I was never properly taught good form. I was going to physical therapy and felt that I was throwing away money to do these repetitive motions that did not seem to improve anything, not to mention

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Nancy K.

You know that feeling of being tired of being sick and tired? That was me before I started training with Andy and the team at Trivida just a couple months ago. The first few sessions were definitely eye opening. I had no idea I could do anything like that! I never feel rushed or intimidated.

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Lori A.

Lori is a shining example of what it means to be a Trivida teammate. She is consistent and always works hard. She is so friendly and welcoming to everyone. We love having her in the studio. She makes everyone’s day a little brighter. We have seen her progress so much and we know that she

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Justin S.

After several years of help from a previous doctor, getting a diagnosis and stabilizing some ongoing health issues, Corey has helped me make some significant improvements and upgrades. Since starting with Trivida, I have been able to take on a larger workload and feel much less fatigued. I am now feeling much more hope and

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Erik S.

I loved working with the team at Trivida. Their approach to medicine goes well beyond traditional providers. I have auto-immune issues and was chronically fatigued. A few small changes in my diet and some medication was all it took to feel better. I’ve gained more energy! I can work AND play without feeling fatigued. If

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Gail O.

I have been working on my health and wellness for a long time and was doing well, but always struggled getting to optimal. I was at a point in my life where I thought I was very good for my age and couldn’t get any better, but I was wrong. Since starting with Trivida I

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Calvin Sa.

I came to Trivida extremely concerned about my health. Years at a very stressful job had taken it’s toll on me. Corey and the staff at Trivida are great, they are very friendly and made me feel comfortable from day one. In my time at Trivida; I got my stress under control, lost weight, became

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Aaron W.

I found Trivida when I was struggling with really poor health, bad fatigue, and insomnia. I was so frustrated because I couldn’t get an answer as to why I was feeling this way. My time at Trivida has gone really well, in the 4 months since I started my program I have made more progress

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Paul and Carol N.

When we made the decision to sign on with Trivida, it was because we knew we needed help with our health. Incrementally, aches and pains were appearing, along with weight gain and bloat; we were moving in the wrong direction health-wise. And while knowing what to do isn’t hard, it’s having the support structure in

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