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Cleaning out the Closets | Trivida Functional Medicine

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Cleaning out the Closets

What’s in your closet?

August 18, 2016

Written by: Becky Novotne

The other night, hubby and I were lying in bed talking.   He always says that he doesn’t know why I “chose him” especially with all of the junk in his closet.  We all have junk in our closets, skeletons, old luggage we continue to carry around for years that we just hang onto just because.  Old hurtful conversations, old memories-good but usually bad that always seem to linger far longer than they should.

Image result for skeletons in the closet

I knew exactly what he was talking about, honestly I know going into any relationship there is always something that hangs around too long, that rears its ugly head at any point in time.  I turned it around on him and started teasing him that yes, we do need to clean out his closet.  “You have so many clothes in there that you don’t wear anymore!” I told him.  Really, his closet is overflowing with clothes that I have never seen him wear.  OVERFLOWING! 

Light bulb moment!!   What’s in my closet?  Literally, what is in my closet.

If you are like me, there’s clothes in there that don’t fit, be it too big or too small.  I hold onto them.  One of these days I might need them.  You never know when the pair of bell bottom jeans that were so in style 15 years ago are going to come in handy.  Oh, and that cute little black dress you wore to that company party when you were 25, definitely need to hold onto that.  You looked HOT in that dress.  Never mind the fact that you were a size 2 when you were 25, I could still fit into that someday.

Then I started wondering if having those “might need them someday clothes” hanging around was a good idea.  Could I be subconsciously sabotaging myself by holding onto them?  Fat pants for well, when I get fat…. again.  Clothes that are too small- face it, probably never going to get back into them again, and… well… really I probably don’t want to.  They are all reminders of days gone by.

Getting dressed, I see them every day. Like skeletons, they just lurk in there.  I think that by having all those skeletons, I might subconsciously be telling myself that I don’t have to work so hard to be healthy because I have a backup plan hanging right in sight, OR that reminder and motivation killer when I see that little black dress, that says, “Ya, you’re busting your ass but I will never fit you again, so why are you working so hard to get there?”

So, this weekend, I am going to clean out my closet.  Out with the old, too small, too big.  I am going to concentrate on where I am now and not worry about the past, or the future.  In time, by continuing to work hard my “now” clothes are not going to fit.  I will have to go….”gasp” shopping for new ones.  By letting of what was and what could have been frees up my mind to concentrate on the now!


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