Meet The Trainer - Brianna Banca - Trivida Health

Meet The Trainer – Brianna Banca – Trivida Health

Brianna Baca’s journey started at the age of nine, when she stepped foot into her first dance class. She began training in many styles of dance including ballet, contemporary, Latin styles, and her favorite, hip-hop. As a dancer being healthy was obviously a big part of her life, so in 2013, Brianna decided to start teaching fitness classes, using her background in dance as a way to format the classes. It was then that another passion of hers was discovered. Since then, she has continued her education in the fitness world, completing certifications such as Insanity, Turbo Kick, and Zumba. In 2015 she attended Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and is now a certified Health Coach. Brianna loves people, and hopes to help improve the quality of their life by teaching them how to take back their health.

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