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Becky's Story | Trivida Functional Medicine

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Becky’s Story

Change.  Who likes it?  Sometimes its uncomfortable, sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes change can be that breath of fresh air that you’ve been needing for so long.  Sometimes change is out of your control and hurts-both physically and emotionally.  Sometimes change is good.

2 years ago, I needed a change, I was 41.  I was in a great loving relationship with an amazing man that loves me…. just the way I was, and I love him.  I had spent the previous years as a single mom raising my son alone.  I busted my ass to provide for my son.  70-80-hour work weeks, 6 sometimes 7 days a week I did what I had to do to survive.  For the most part survival mode equals not taking care of yourself.  It means sacrificing everything to provide for your family.  That’s what I did.

Life got easier for me when I met Paul.  I finally had that security in my life that allowed me to slow down a little bit.  To breath, a deep deep breath where you can sit back and think.  I was able to quit working so many hours each week.  I actually had some free time on my hands.  Time for me.

As was the norm for me, sat down to watch TV after dinner one night.  The Biggest Loser was on and I was watching these people that were accomplishing major weight loss.  People that were out of shape, over weight and completely unhealthy. I realized I was watching myself.   They chose to make a change in their lives and as I sat there and watched them, I thought to myself, “If they can do it I can do it!”  The next day I changed.

I’d like to say that I changed overnight.  That doesn’t happen.  I started walking.  It took me almost an hour to walk 2 miles in my neighborhood the first time.  I truly thought I was going to die. It was hard!  I was hot and sweaty and out of breath.  As much as I wanted to give up, I kept going.  It soon became the new norm to walk every night after work.  Quickly, my daily 2-mile walk was easy!  I increased to 3 miles and in no time I was walking that in less than an hour.  Cole would always go with me and ride his bicycle up ahead.  I began craving that hour!

I struggled some days though.  Shin splints almost sidelined me.  My shins would hurt so bad at times, I didn’t think I was going to be able to make it home.  There were days that after a ½ mile in, I had to turn around and go home. It would have been easy to quit during those times, I kept going.

I started to crave more.  I started going to the rec center to try out some group exercise classes.  I really enjoyed them but I didn’t feel like I was “getting” anything out of them aside from exercise.  I started looking at gyms and memberships.  I know me, and I couldn’t trust myself to sign up for 3 years at some random gym and go on a continuous basis.  Then one day it happened.  I saw a “Groupon” for Trivida.

There were 2 options, a 30-day trial or a 90-day trial.   I figured, IF I am going to do this, I am going to try it out for 90 days.  But first, I am going to go check it out; make sure that I wasn’t going to embarrass myself.  I didn’t want to be that girl.  The fat out of shape girl in a room full of hard bodies.

I walked in and met Corey.  He was great!  So kind and caring.  I told him that I wanted to check it out, make sure that it was going to be a good fit for me- that there were other people LIKE me so I didn’t feel out of place.  He assured me that I would be just fine.  He even said that his Mom worked out there!   I signed up and started my first class, Zumba!  It was awesome! (Sorry Brianna for making up my own dance moves!)

I began going about 3 times a week.  I struggled keeping up sometimes, but Corey and Meghann modified the work outs as needed.  There were always levels for everyone to be able to work out.  They supported me, pushed me harder and actually cared about my success!  They became family!

Fast forward to today.

My life has been changed by Trivida! I’ve lost weight, I’ve lost inches.  I’ve lost that voice inside my head that said “You can’t do that!”. I lost my inability to do sit-ups and pushups!   I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and started learning Martial Arts with Corey.  I competed……. I COMPETED in a JIU JITSU competition in November 2015.  I had never in my entire life competed in anything.  It was amazing!

I have been told that I am an inspiration.  That made me cry.  I am so glad that I inspire someone to be better, to try harder.  It’s a wonderful feeling!

In the end all of these changes were the best changes that could have happened to me.  I am strong, I am confident.  I am an athlete.  I can do anything that I put my mind to. I AM BADASS!

I’ve made great friends that are all on the same journey as me. I not only consider them my friends, I consider them my family.

Corey and Meghan really care about your success and work with you to find a way to make you succeed.  They make you accountable.  No other gym calls you and asks where have you been if you miss a few days.  On those days when your world is falling down around you, you’ve had enough and decide not to go work out, expect Corey and Meghann to be there for you.  They won’t let you fail.

If you are ready to lose it, find change at Trivida!


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